What Results Can You Expect and for How Long from a Thread Lift Treatment?

Have you ever wondered how these Hollywood celebrities manage to look so young even when they aren’t? Well, it’s not just a great diet and rigorous exercise, it's modern aesthetic procedures like a thread lift. With the evolution of technology and every industry, the industry of cosmetics and aesthetics is no exception. There are tons of ways and techniques now being applied to help you look younger. The thread lifts are one of these miraculous procedures and have shown to be extremely effective owing to the great thread lift before and after results you can find online.

Let’s get right to it and discuss what this cosmetic threading procedure is, how it works and what you can expect to achieve from it.

What is a Thread Lift?

Thread lift procedure, a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, is used to tighten the skin by injecting thin but super strong PLLA threads into the skin. The skin is then pulled up by tightening these threads as desired.

A local anesthetic agent is inserted to the treatment site. Once the area is numb, your doctor will start injecting the PLLA threads into your skin and tighten them accordingly. That’s all. Within 30 mins the procedure is done and you can go to your home right away!

In comparison to surficial facelift (a complete cosmetic plastic surgery), thread lift recovery time is significantly less with minimal pain and the results are not permanent. As the procedure is short, less invasive and does not require any fancy instruments, it can be done in a medical spa location

What are the common body sites for treatment

Commonly done on face and neck, cosmetic threading gets rid of the saggy looking skin and gives a firm and fresh look. From chin, jawline, neck, chest, elbows and even the knees, thread lift procedure is being used by models and celebrities from all around the world to achieve smoother skin that can last for years without the need for plastic surgery.

Thread Lift Recovery Time

Generally, the recovery period seen in most of the cosmetic threading cases is about one month but that is not the case with the Lip Doctor. With the professionals at work, you can even recover in 48 to 72 hours and start your work life right away.

What results you can achieve after getting thread lift treatment

After a successful thread lift treatment, you might initially notice some swelling and bruising around the operation site. This is completely normal and is basically caused by the body’s immune response that occurs due to the insertion of PLLA threads.

Results of thread lifts begin to appear immediately after the treatment, but you may start to notice them in a few days when the swelling starts to subside.

Your face will enjoy sharp reduction in wrinkles and lines just after the procedure. This is due to the threads for face that pull your skin taut, removing the wrinkles and help you achieve an overall smoother appearance. As we grow older, collagen (an important component of skin) levels begin to reduce and our skin starts becoming weak and fragile. The threads injected also stimulate the production of collagen resulting in a more youthful glow.

How long do the thread lifts last?

A 30 mins procedure with a 30 months result!

Thread lifts deliver immediate results that can easily last up to 2-3 years. However, it also depends upon the individual patient along with their age, skin type, lifestyle and any pre-existing skin disease (if there is any). If you are a health freak who takes good care of their skin, avoids excessive sun exposure/use sun-screen and regularly moisturizes your skin, you are good for at least 2 and a half years.

The threads for face used in the procedure are biodegradable. What that means is your body has enzymes and proteins that can degrade these threads over time. This can be good news to someone who is not satisfied with the results and wants to try a different approach next time.

On average, thread lift procedure is repeated after 2 years before the results of previous lift diminishes. This helps to keep the skin taut in the right shape forever!

Thread Lifts at The Lip Doctor

At the Lip Doctor, a full initial consultation is done beforehand to make sure you’re suitable for the thread lift so we can deliver you the results that you want. You can also clear your doubts and ask any question that has not been answered yet. We believe that educating yourself is the best way to achieve the desired results. Why hesitate? Book yourself a free complimentary consultation right away.


·       Thread lift is a relatively simple procedure and is a great alternative to facelift plastic surgery.

·       Results begin to appear shortly after the treatment when the swelling starts to subside.

·       With this procedure, you can achieve youthful looking smooth wrinkle-less skin with a natural glow.

·       The threads for the face are biodegradable and hence the results will last up to 2-3 years depending on your age, life-style and skin routine.


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