Is Botox The Right Choice For Hyperhidrosis?

 Does a five minutes workout on the treadmill leave you sopping wet? Is excessing sweating an intimidating concern in your day-to-day life activities? Do you feel you have left no stone unturned, but everything is on the brink? If you are tired of being misled by the fallacious antiperspirants and cosmetic rolls-on adorning the aisles of every drug store to control underarm sweating and odor, then Botox treatment can be life-changing.

 Sweating is the body's natural way to regulate body temperature. But if you are sweating for no reason and no over-the-counter antiperspirants have helped, you might need to consider Botox for excessive sweating.   Yes, you got it right! For most people, Botox treatment is dubbed a reliable method to fade away fine lines and wrinkles to get that juvenile skin, but it also helps you to get rid of chronic tension headaches. Botox for migraines helps relax the facial muscles that tense up, causing crippling headaches. Moreover, hair Botox is a deep conditioning treatment that helps create fuller, smoother hair. But that's not it; for many of us, it provides a robust solution to an uncomfortable and often embarrassing condition known as Hyperhidrosis. 

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a condition attributed to excessive sweating that isn’t related to heat or physical exertion. There isn't a known medical cause for this, but it tends to run in families. Whether it affects a localized area or different parts of the body like the face, hands, underarms, feet, scalp, it can sabotage an individual's confidence and quality of life. 

The most common root cause of excessive sweating is focal Hyperhidrosis. This type of Hyperhidrosis affects about 1-3% of the population, and its onset usually occurs in childhood or adolescence. It is neither a medical condition nor a sign of disease or drug interaction. Yet, it can negatively influence many people such as interfering in their social lives even affecting their pursuit of career goals.

Symptoms of Hyperhidrosis

  • Sweating disrupts your routine life.

  • Sweating causes emotional distress and social withdrawal

  • Experiencing night sweats for no apparent reason

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

From invasive procedures such as surgeries to medications including perspiration creams, nerve-blocking medicines, and antidepressants, the perception to treat the symptom of Hyperhidrosis has changed over time. 

Approved by the FDA to treat focal Hyperhidrosis, Botox treatment is deemed the most covetable method of eliminating hyperhidrosis symptoms. However, a doctor may prescribe Botulinum toxin to control excessive sweating in other parts of the body as well. Unlike topical treatments, Botox for excessive sweating boasts an authenticated and effective solution for long-lasting results, without any necessity of invasive surgical procedures. 

Botox for Hyperhidrosis here is why!

According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, Botox treatment can reduce underarm sweating by 82 -87%. Botox is a neurotoxin constituting the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It works by paralyzing the nerves responsible for activating your sweat glands by altering the function of certain neurotransmitters. Naturally, your nervous system stimulates the sweat glands when your body temperature appreciates. This is an intuitive process of how your body cools off. In people with focal Hyperhidrosis or generalized Hyperhidrosis, the nerves that signal the sweat glands are overactive. 

How is it done?

Botox for Hyperhidrosis is a non-invasive procedure that needs an in-office appointment requiring no or minimal downtime. The procedure takes a few minutes. Usually, the patient receives a few injections of Botox for sweating depending upon the area needed to be treated. Each time the health care provider injects a small amount of Botox just under the skin with an extremely small needle. The clinicians use topical creams, ice, or vibration analgesia to ease the discomfort. 

It takes 2-4 days to post Botox treatment to see noticeable effects, while the full results may take two weeks. After receiving Botox injection for sweating, it is recommended that you follow up with your dermatologist in 1 to 2 weeks. The effects of Botox treatment eventually wear off between 3-6 months once the body breaks down the Botox giving it a high long-term cost.


  • Pain and bruising at the injection site

  • Headache

  • Droopy eyelids

  • Dryness

The studies have indicated that repeated treatment of Botox for excessive sweating is safe and effective, flaunting consistent results in meaningful, long-lasting improvements upgrading the daily function and quality of life. If you live near the Toronto area, the dermal specialists at Lip Doctor Canada use cutting-edge technology and non-invasive procedures. They are well-versed to use state-of-the-art advancements to drive exponential results without draining your bank account.


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