Top Dos & Don'ts of a Thread Lift Treatment

 Aging skin may have wrinkles or sag from the various facial areas. However, thanks to the latest cosmetic surgeries- the thread lift treatment, your skin can now look much younger and tightened. Thread lifting is a non-invasive anti-aging treatment that basically lifts and tightens the skin instantly. This treatment also includes thread brow lift and silhouette soft- another surgical method that tightens the skin around the jawline, eyebrow, and neck.

Over time, it encourages neovascularization, which makes sure to make your facial skin look better and hide possible signs of aging. Here are some do's and don'ts you must observe after getting a thread lift treatment.


1.       Choose A Medically Specialized Practitioner

The most vital thing to keep in mind is to ensure that the surgeon you're getting the treatment from is an authorized and specialized medical practitioner who is both cooperative and reputable. The face threads or thread brow lift must only be done by a surgeon trained in this field and who carries superior knowledge of all types of risks, procedures, possibilities, and care. 

The PLLA threads must be carefully inserted beneath the skin layer and the network of blood capillaries. It can only be done by a surgeon who has mastered the intricacies of facial anatomy.

2.       Undergo A Pre-Treatment Consultation

Before proceeding with thread lift treatment, you must be well aware of all our potential risks and side effects. Moreover, your health history has to be kept in check to ensure your body is ready to undergo this procedure.

 It is crucial for your surgeon to study you thoroughly before operating to minimize any health risk and know your unique facial anatomy along with its requirements.


3.       Be Careful And Take Precautions

Once the surgery is done, you should be extra careful, especially when your face. Make sure to restrict your facial movements for a day or two. Look for any type of swelling or bruising, and for that, let your doctor know, but it is advised to gently ice the area four to five times a day.


Moreover, you must also not do any strenuous exercises, lift any heavy weights or exert more than usual. Remember you went through surgery and must take a rest. Keep visiting your doctor regularly after the surgery, and you must take all sorts of required medical care that are necessary after the facelift or thread brow lift treatment.


1.       Do Not Get Any Facial Massages

As mentioned earlier, you just got face threads and PLLA threads inserted inside your face, which means you must not exercise your facial muscles a lot. Even if you get the silhouette soft treatment specializing in surrounding facial areas, you need to be careful.

 Moreover, all salon treatments are a big no because getting facials or massages might cause excessive bruising or swelling. This all should be avoided for the first ten to fourteen days at least.

2.       Do Not Wear Makeup

It is vital to know that your skin just went through a tricky surgery and is quite sensitive right now. Applying makeup or any type of cosmetic product to your skin can cause inflammation or skin irritation where face threads have been inserted. It is best to avoid all this for a day or two because even while removing makeup, a lot of pressure is applied to the skin, which isn't right.


3.       Do Not Drink or Smoke

Whether you’ve gone through silhouette soft or thread lift treatment, do not drink or smoke for the initial two to three weeks. You have to make sure your blood pressure doesn't rise, and both the nicotine and alcohol raise your blood pressure and can cause medical complications.


4.       Do Not Exert or Apply Extra Pressure

Do not put extra pressure on your cheeks, jawline, or neck area if you've got the silhouette soft surgery as PLLA threads are present there. In general, you need to avoid putting pressure on the facial site. Do not sleep on your stomach or your side, which will apply extra strain on your face. It can also cause bruising, swelling, or discomfort.


Final Tips To Remember

Just like any other surgery, some particular post-operation protocol needs to be followed cautiously to prevent any sort of harm or infection to your recent thread lift treatment. There should be no negligence when it comes to your precious body and, of course, your face- the most prominent feature of your body.


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