Considering kybella? Everything you need to know before getting a kybella treatment!

 Double chin is undoubtedly a nuisance that everyone wants to get rid of. The accumulation of fat cells on your chin area adds several years to your looks and makes you appear quite unhealthy. Many people contemplate going for surgical options to get rid of the double chin.

But the risk of complications and cost stops them cold. For a long time, there was no other option. But with the introduction of kybella treatment, things are starting to change for the better. Yes, even for double chin removal, non-surgical procedure is an option in the form of Kybella or Belkyra treatment. And it's evident from the Belkyra before and after results that the procedure works! Want to know more about it? Let's find out!

A Brief Introduction Of Kybella Treatment

For a long time, for double chin removal, non-surgical procedures weren't available. You had to go under the knife if you wanted to get rid of it. And pay a hefty price for it. But the kybella procedure offers much-needed relief in this regard. Even though the Belkyra cost is variable, it's still much less compared to surgical alternatives. Intrigued? Let's dig deeper.

Kybella treatment is the only non-invasive, injectable procedure that is approved to destroy fat cells that accumulate in your submental area. This treatment is indeed revolutionary that has made things easy for all.

So what exactly happens during the Kybella procedure, and what makes it such an effective double chin treatment? The active ingredient responsible for the success of kybella treatment is Belkyra. This is deoxycholic acid, a molecule chemically similar to bile acid produced naturally in the liver. Bile acid plays a vital role in the digestion of fats by breaking down the fat globules and emulsifying the contents.

This is the secret behind Belkyra before and after results. When Belkyra is injected into the submental fat, the cell wall is disrupted, resulting in cell death. The dead cells are then removed by your body with time.

In the case of double chin removal, non-surgical option is limited. Only the Kybella procedure is approved for this purpose. And, of course, people have welcomed it with open warms due to the many benefits this double chin treatment offers.

Get Rid Of Fat From Target Areas With The Kybella Procedure

Want to know the best part about this treatment, other than the affordable Belkyra cost? It doesn't take long, and you won't have to go through too much pain.

The entire procedure is done within a few minutes. Around two to four sessions are required, typically spaced 8 to 12 weeks apart to yield desired results. On top of this, the results are long-lasting! That's right! The fat cells which are targeted during the treatment are removed permanently. So, if you are happy with Belkyra before and after results, all you have to do is ensure that you don't gain weight substantially. And you won't need re-treatment!

This is why you don't really have to worry about Belkyra cost. Yes, some people require additional treatments to tighten the loose skin, but even that isn't too expensive compared to the surgical interventions.

What To Expect During Kybella Treatment?

If you need, a topical anesthetic can be applied to the injection site prior to the procedure. This will ensure that you don't feel even a bit of pain. The thing is, every individual has a different threshold to pain, so it's up to you to decide whether you want anesthesia.

The professional will then assess the treatment area thoroughly, proceeding to draw an injection grid on the chin and neck. This ensures that there are no errors with the administration of the product. A small amount of Belkyra is injected into the region, spaced around 1cm apart. And the work is done.

But here's the thing. A lot can go wrong if Belkyra injections are administered into the wrong area. This is why it's imperative that you approach only a certified medical doctor for this double chin treatment. After all, you wouldn't want your blood vessels or thyroid gland to be damaged due to the procedure. Lip Doctor can help you out in this regard. We have qualified professionals who will ensure that Belkyra before and after results aren't a surprise for you!


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