Top reasons to go for a Kybella Treatment

Kybella (Belkyra) or Liquid Lipo is a cosmetic procedure, revolutionizing in its method of destroying fat cells. It is the only injectable which has been approved for melting away submental, adipose fat tissue, which is commonly known as the “double chin”.

It sounds scary, but in reality, it is just a matter of several minutes before you get rid of double chin forever!

According to the Healthline research, Kybella is a safe and effective treatment for double chin reduction. In the same research 82.4% individuals said their Kybella before and after showed marked difference and that they really felt the treatment to have worked.

With that great of an efficacy percentage and better results than invasive skin tightening treatment, who wouldn’t want to get Kybella done? I know I would. But would you too? Here are some of the top reasons, underlined by credible researchers for why you should go for a Kybella skin tightening treatment:

·   Natural Way to Get Rid of Double Chin

One of the top reasons to get Kybella is its use of the body's own cells and mechanisms to fight off the unwanted loose skin under the chin area. In this treatment, the active ingredient in Belkyra is called deoxycholic acid, which is a molecule that is chemically similar to a bile acid which is produced in the liver. This fluid is stored in the gallbladder for use during digestion of fats as it breaks down fat globules and emulsifies the contents. When Belkyra is injected into the submental fat, the deoxycholic acid disrupts the cell wall. Belkyra works by upsetting the cell film of fat cells, making apoptosis or cell demise happen. The dead cells and fat are then wiped out of the territory by your body's own burn through evacuation framework over the long haul.

·   Quick Double Chin Reduction

This FDA approved non-surgical injectable is a super quick remedy to reduce double chin fat that sits around the neck for years. It may be the “stubborn” hereditary kind of double chin or the result of years of unhealthy eating habits. Either way, Kybella injections take hardly 15 minutes to be prepared and injected while 2-3 sittings in total rid you off the unwanted fat!

·   Kybella Over Double Chin Exercise

While many advocate home exercises for double chin removal, there is little research that actually discusses their efficacy. Exercises as well as products like double chin reducing bands sure are inexpensive and easy to indulge in however, their they require consistent indulgence for years to actually show results. Now who has that stamina and time in this fast paced world? Kybella is a treatment that gives you desired results without going through this additional hassle.

·   Kybella Before and After Difference

Kybella before and after is jaw dropping. This is because once the fat walls are destroyed, they don't return. So once you get rid of all the fat cells in your double chin with the injections, they disappear forever and your new chin remains. However, it takes about four to six weeks after a treatment session to see the ultimate before-and-after results you desire.

Now, if you want to see your beautiful face without an instant double chin turnoff when you accidentally open your front camera, this treatment is for you. You need not look older than you are or fear selfies. Get your skin tightening done and bid farewell to the flab that brings you down.

I see people putting their trust in Lip Doctor. Check it out for yourself and get a free consultation first! 


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