Why you should go for dermal fillers?

Did you know that Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally occurring compound in our skin that keeps it plump, moisturized, volumized and younger looking? And Dermal Fillers are all about restoring the HA content in your skin. 

Why are we even talking about this?

Well, because the aging process inevitably affects our skin, especially the plumpness of it. But to come to think of it,  is it only our skin that needs to be protected or our self confidence that diminishes as fine lines appear and wrinkles take over? 

Look closely and the answer to why we are talking about Dermal Fillers is right there. 

Dermal Fillers are what they would call injectables to help your saggy skin regain its tightness and volume. If you ask us, we’d say it’s a magical way of restoring your lost confidence more than your lost skin moisture and youth. So, with the removal of fine lines, wrinkles and an instant boost of moisture, Dermal Fillers can also help give your lips that little pop of plumpness and your eyebrows to look more attractive. Whether it's the nose corners you’d like to get filled or the laugh lines that make you look more aged than you actually are, going for a filling is really your safe haven. Safe haven literally. Why? Because it is non-invasive and much safer than procedures like invasive facelifts.

Guess what's more interesting? Even the contents of different types of Dermal fillers are naturally occurring agents, not only good but GREAT for skin rejuvenation. There are numerous types of Dermal Fillers. Each customized around your needs, and available at the cost of Dermal Fillers you deem budget friendly for yourself. They usually range anywhere from $450 to $600 depending on your choice of procedure.  Some of the most popular ones are:

Human Fat Fillers: Taken from your own body, there is absolutely no safer filler category than human fat. What happens is that a technician will take fat from an area like your abdomen or thighs, clean it, and then inject it into the troubling spots on your face.

(Isn’t that a win -win? Lose fat from your flabby areas and add it to where it's needed)

Collagen Fillers: Then there are collagen fillers. They are one of the most commonly used  procedures to plump up the lips. It can also be used to counteract the look of mild to moderate creases in the face.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in human connective tissues and around the eyes. It can be used in the cheek areas to replace lost fat that is leaving you looking tired and gaunt, and can also be used to fill in lines, wrinkles, and folds.

When talking about any skin procedure, keeping in mind the pros and cons is critical. Dermal fillers side effects or dermal fillers pros and cons must be understood thoroughly before proceeding with a decision. Afterall, it is about your skin and that really matters. Also, you have to consider the dermal fillers before and after results.

If you are looking for a procedure with minimum risks involved, Lip Doctor is a place that offers skin rejuvenation like no other. They brief you on Dermal Fillers pros and cons and proceed only if you are comfortable with the idea. They are the best in town who guarantee FDA approved safe filling, that too without any bruising, redness, swelling, pain and itching as potential Dermal Fillers side effects. Their effortless and unique techniques leave you trusting them with your skin every step of the way. What are you waiting for? Book and appointment already!


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