Botox: A Revolutionary Therapy Ever since the discovery of Botox injections, the industry of aesthetic medicine itself has been revolutionized to say the least. Botox is a protein made from Botulinum toxin and is a drug that weakens or paralyzes muscle. It can be used for cosmetic purposes such as for wrinkles or even medicinal and therapeutic purposes such as Botox for migraines or pain management. The array of improvements when it comes to Botox before and after results are astonishing and have blown away various dermatologists. Things you need to know about Botox before opting for it If you’re planning to go for a Botox treatment Toronto , there are a number of things you should keep in mind. · Botox is temporary Botox before and after results may look like miracles but they don’t last forever. Certain factors could make your Botox last longer or even shorter but the important fact is that it is always a temporary treatment and will need ...